Blog Submission
Have an article or idea to share?
Do you have a story to tell or have interesting content to share? Would you like exposure as a guest writer or regular contributor with ThyroidChange? One of the best ways to share your thyroid-related content and build your visibility is to get published on my blog!
With over 150,000 followers, I aim to provide a diversified reading experience related to thyroid health. I would love to hear about your ideas! Send an inquiry at [email protected] or use the contact form below.
Available Topics
Patient Experience Stories
Tell your story! How did thyroid disease affect you physically, mentally, or emotionally? How were you finally diagnosed? What led you to better health? What have you learned from your journey? In what ways do patients need change in thyroid healthcare? These are just some of the topics that you can share!
Thyroid Health Education
Health practitioners, do you have an article that you would like to submit regarding proper diagnostic measures, treatment options, or related conditions associated with thyroid disease? Would you like to submit an article that describes the changes that we need in thyroid healthcare? If so, I would love to hear from you!
Thyroid-Related Diet and Lifestyle Articles
Are you a nutritionist or a professional in the field of healthy eating, recipe creations, or exercise/lifestyle changes? Would you like to see your articles published to a wide audience of thyroid patients? I am seeking dynamic submissions for articles that can improve our community’s life despite a thyroid disease diagnosis.
Submission Guidelines
1. Original Content: Submit original content only. Articles/blogs should be related to the topics listed above and should be informative and factual.
2. Word Count: Articles should be approximately 2000-2500 words in length.
3. Paragraph Length: Research has shown that breaking up paragraphs, increases reader attention span. 1-4 sentences is ideal per ‘paragraph’. I reserve the right to break up paragraphs for blog-reading ease.
4. Promotional Products and Back-Links: Articles should be well-researched without promotional content, product links, or back-links to your website. However, two back-links can be used in your bio. 5. Cited Sources: All statistics, quotes, and data should be linked to an authoritative source. It’s important for our readers to know where information is derived from. Two to six relevant and external cited sources are recommended. ThyroidChange reserves the right to add cited sources or backlinks to the ThyroidChange website.
6. Sub-headings: Please try to use sub-headings and/or itemized content, if appropriate. This helps with reading ease and improves sharing rates. ThyroidChange reserves the right to add appropriate H1, H2, and H3 headers in the title and body of the article.
7. Images: Include any relevant photos and charts as long as you own the images. However, due to copyright issues, I cannot publish your purchased stock photos. I will provide the blog header image and if needed, other possible images.
8. Editing: All material should be carefully proofread for spelling and grammatical errors prior to submission. If selected, I reserve the right to edit the article and title for content, clarity and format. If selected, I will notify you of any changes. ThyroidChange maintains the right to un-publish any article at any time.
9. About the Author: Include a short bio, head-shot photo, and up to two links to your website. I will include this at the end of the article under ‘About the Author’. Simply write this at the bottom of your article and email me your photo. Please do not list product page links or affiliate links within your bio.
Share Your Article!
Try to share with your network once the post goes live. You’ve put hard work into this, and articles with more shares perform better!
Yes! I would like to contribute!
Use the form below to send me your ideas!
If I love your content, I may ask you for other featured articles. You could build your name by establishing yourself as an authority to my 150K+ followers and subscribers!